Friday 11 July 2014

The Blood-Curdling Hand by Kaitlyn, Year 5

When we went to the Norfolk Children's Book Festival, the author Cathy MacPhail asked us to write a story based on a first line that she had given us. Here is the part of the winning entry from Kaitlyn in Year 5.

Chapter One

"There was a knocking sound on the door and I knew they had come for me," I began in my spookiest voice. Melissa and Taylor were staying round mine for a sleepover. We were sitting around the camp-fire we had made, telling each other ghost stories. It was finally my turn. "Tap, tap, tap," I carried on. 

"I asked who was there but there was no answer, just the echo of my shivering voice. I waited and waited. The door slowly creaked open and I gasped. Coming through the door were Melissa and Taylor. They had gone pale, like all their life had been drained away. They told me that I had to go with them immediately and we raced down to the ditch in the middle of my garden. A terrifying and ancient looking hand was starting to push its way through the damp soil. We screamed. Just at that moment the moon came out and I caught sight of the time on the church clock. It was 3:33am. I immediately knew who the hand belonged too."

I stopped and looked round. By now Taylor and Melissa were looking terrified. It was getting late and almost time for bed, so thought I had better carry on with my story. Before I could speak, there was a sound from further down the garden. It sounded as if a small animal, such as a rat or a mole, was digging...

How spooky! If you want to read the rest of the story, you'll have to ask Kaitlyn.


  1. Hi, it's Michael.

    I thought it was realy spooky.

  2. Wow! You gave me goosebumps. Well done.

  3. I though that chapter one was really good!!!

  4. Tamzin and Lauren11 July 2014 at 11:13

    Hi we had goosebumps it was so spooky also we had a scary dream a miniute ago.

  5. Everyone enjoyed reading this Kaitlyn, even Cathy MacPhail!
